
Qlik NPrinting

An advanced reporting and distribution solution

Spread knowledge and insights, create great-looking customizable reports using data and analytics from Qlik Sense and QlikView and distribute them in a flash.

Highly polished reports made easy

Fast and easy report creation

Develop reports with drag-and-drop simplicity, in a variety of popular formats including PowerPoint, Excel and word.

Highly polished pixel-perfect reports in HTML formats and more.

Simple, web-based client and built-in editing tools.

Reports delivered they way you need them

Deliver the right reports to the right people at the right times.

Centrally schedule, generate and deliver reports through a variety of channels.

Filter information for customized reports relevant to the user.

Collaborative analytics for the organisation

Use the same platform for visual analytics and reporting.

Enhanced security and scalability for enterprise deployments of any size.

Promote the adoption of data discovery by linking live QlikView and Qlik Sense apps.

Learn more about Qlik NPrinting

Sample Reports

NPrinting Data Sheet

View sample reports to see the many forms QlikNPrinting can take to suit your reporting needs.

Discover more details about Qlik NPrinting's advanced reporting

Qlik NPrinting Product Tour